Learn About Our Mission

Being Guardians for those without a Guardian.

Who Do We Help?

We help anyone without someone to help them.

Our mission is help children, animals, planet earth, and any life form in our global community who doesn’t have a clear cut guardian looking out for their well-being and who could progress by having a guardian to promote their well-being, whether it’s by health, education, or opportunity. After-all, those who do not have anyone to protect them and are in need of a Guardian.
Our programs are all privately funded by donations from our members and partner companies. We also raise funds by selling Zero-Waste Products, of which 100% of the money that comes from your purchase – notice: not only the profit, we apply your entire purchase – to fund our programs. How can we do that? It’s simple: we work with partner companies to take their waste and convert it into a product with added value that you can use in your life. By doing this, our zero-waste products also have zero cost and the inputs are donated by our partners. Why do they donate these raw materials? Well, these raw materials would otherwise fill a landfill and our partners share our values: we want to create sustainable programs that improve our world.
We then launch campaigns to promote the well-begin and elevate the standard of living, acting as a caretaker for those who are less fortunate and do not have something to help them.
Check Out Active Programs Below!

Products that Change Lives

You can help by choosing a zero waste product from our shop. These products are made from “by-products” that are clean and would otherwise have ended up in a land-fill. We take them and transform them into cool items that you may use everyday. Remember, 100% of the proceeds go to helping individuals without a guardian.

Shop our Zero waste Products and we’ll Donate the proceeds to one of our amazing causes.

Our Partners

Here Are Our Proud Partners

Children without Families

In Peru, thousands of children are orphaned each year and many still live in antiquated orphanages. Our collaboration with partner orphanages is one in which we design programs that promote education, healthcare, and opportunity for these Orphans, so they can be guided to a future that allows them the same opportunity to pursue their dreams as another other child who grew up in a normal family.

Stray Dogs

In many countries worldwide, stray dogs roam the streets looking for food and shelter. Nearby our HQ in Italy, hundreds of dogs roam the streets without a home. Each winter, when the temperature falls below zero, some of our furry friends don’t make it. We are out to eradicate stray dogs in Peru and Italy. It’s a mighty big mission, but we are starting at the grassroots with the cities where we are based.

One of Our Long Term Future Projects

The #WOOF Animal Refugee Center

Our partners are donating to a fund that will establish a leading animal refugee center, where poached, abused, or sick animals from Europe and Africa can recuperate, receive care, as they are found a new home.

How You Can Help

To achieve our goals, we need the help of our global community. Here’s how it works and how you can help #WOOF make the change we want to see in the world become a reality.

Our Achievements So Far!

With Your Help We Can Keep Improving These Numbers.


Han Solo said “we could use a good fighter like you!” Well, we need your help! Join our organization and volunteer some time to help us execute our programs around the world. After-all, we each need to be the change we want to see in the world.

Donate To The Cause

We humbly ask for any donations to our causes. 100% of your donations go to funding our programs. Best thing is, #WOOF is managed by volunteers and the organization does not have any administrative costs. All funds go to funding our initiatives.

100% Of Proceeds Help Fund Life Changing Causes.

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Donation Total: $15.00
